PANAMA RIPOFF REPORT has verified certain information regarding a Ms. Mariam Reyes Arias, panamanian ID N-19-1432 and information pertaining to panamanian corporation Playa Baraka, SA

PRR has verified that Playa Baraka, SA is a panamanian corporation duly inscribed to Microfiche 301593 of the Mercantile Section of the Public Registry in Panama.

The corporation GRAN PIRAMIDE, SA, also a panamanian corporation, inscribed to Microfiche 169304 of the Mercantile Section of the Public Registry in Panama, is the Holding company and one and only shareholder of PLAYA BARAKA, SA.

The President, Founder and Shareholder of GRAN PIRAMIDE, SA is Mr. LEONARDO PORRAS ZULUAGA, who died in his residence in Fort Davis, Province of Colon, Republic of Panama on 28 August 2011 by way of homicide.

Attached is a death Certificate of Mr. Leonardo Porras.

Over the life of Mr. Leonardo Porras there existed an Accident Insurance Policy number 12B13360F from panamanian Insurance Company ASSA. This insurance policy, number 12B13360F was hired by Ms. Mariam Reyes Arias, panamanian ID N-191432, whom one year later transferred the insurance policy to a newly created corporation, Inversiones Gran Piramide, SA of whom Mr. Leonardo Porras was also a director. Ms. Mariam Reyes then filed for the inclusion of homicide insurance on policy 12B13360F using the corporation as the contracting party. The main beneficiary of the death of Mr. Leonardo Porras >>> Ms. Mariam Reyes Arias, a dignitary and legal representative of panamanian corporation PLAYA BARAKA, SA; a land investment company.

The only shareholder of corporation Playa Baraka, SA >>> GRAN PIRAMIDE, SA

President of GRAN PIRAMIDE, SA >>>>> LEONARDO PORRAS ZULUAGA, who died on 28 August 2011 via wound shot to the head: homicide.

Currently there exists an ESTATE PROCEEDING over the ESTATE of Mr. LEONARDO PORRAS ZULUAGA.

PANAMA RIPOFF REPORT has verified that there currently exist various civil and penal lawsuits against Ms. MARIAM REYES ARIAS relating to the following corporations: PLAYA BARAKA, SA and INVERSIONES GRAN PIRAMIDE, SA; not to be confused with the above stated corporation and Holding company, GRAN PIRAMIDE, SA.

The corporation PLAYA BARAKA, SA is the owner of the following properties located on the Caribbean Coast of Panama:

Finca 4925
Finca 4923
Finca 4921
Finca 10187
Finca 10188
Finca 5136
Finca 21455
Finca 21456

All located in the Province of Colon, Republic of Panama.

The corporations Playa Baraka, SA; Gran Pirámide, SA; Inversiones Gran Pirámide, SA; Inversiones L&M e Hijos, SA; and all of its land holdings are part of an Estate Proceeding, as its majority shareholder was Mr. Leonardo Porras Zuluaga.

If you are contacted by anyone trying to sell properties belonging to the above mentioned corporations, contact PANAMA RIPPOFF REPORT.

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